A multicultural suburb with a mix of Victorian architecture, light industry and a vibrant shopping village.
Coburg, Melbourne (inner north)
Coburg is one of the most multi-cultural suburbs of Melbourne. For decades it's had a strong Greek and Italian presence but in recent years, people from Arabic backgrounds have also settled here, as have younger professionals with or without kids. Many like the place because of its cultural diversity, closeness to the city centre and period architecture. And the prison has closed down. (More information below and to your left <<<)
Once upon a time Coburg was in the bad books because it had a prison - Pentridge. Some of Melbourne's most hardened criminals were sent to this foreboding blue stone building as punishment for their crimes. The prison was built in 1840 and prisoners were used to break up bluestone from nearby quarries. Many of those bluestones were used to pave Coburg's and Melbourne's laneways. But the crims and crooks are gone and Pentridge is now a law abiding residential development. Tweet tweet.
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